Want to Save $456.88 on your production costs?
Our diamond core bits are the best in the world! Not only do they cut clean precise holes in almost any type of gemstone, but they can save you tons of money on your production costs.
Let’s do some math. If you buy a cheap coated diamond drill bit for $5.00, you will be lucky to get 5 holes drilled before the drill bit is no good. However, if you buy one of our drill bits, which costs $43.12 (cost of our 2.5mm bit), you will get between 500 holes and 800 holes before you have to replace the bit. In order to get 500 holes, using the cheap bits, you will need to purchase 100 drill bits for a total price of $500 or, you could buy one of our bits at $43.12 and get the same number holes. That is a “no brainer” savings of $456.88.
Buy today to start the savings!